How The Coronavirus Will Shape The Food Supply Chain

As the global coronavirus pandemic accelerates, the hoarding of food continues across the country impacting all retail outlets and reaching into all product categories. It appears clear that consumers are moving beyond the cleaners, sanitizers, and paper good aisles. The call for calm and assurances that there’s plenty of supply has not eased consumer’s anxiety over having their favorite perishable and non-perishable brands.

In a time of “social distancing,” having the cupboard and fridge filled with your favorite specialty item is becoming critical – this becomes even more important to consumers used to having gluten-free, sodium-free, dairy-free, no sugar added, plant-based meat, vegan, non-GMO, or rain forest alliance certified products readily available. And those items are starting to get seriously difficult to locate.

The extreme confidence expressed by retailers and food manufacturers that the food supply is in good order and can accommodate the unprecedented surge in demand is rather staggering when considering the new consumer landscape we’ve been navigating.

The largest food brands in the world have been struggling in recent years to maintain their share position (Battling the 3G effect) and compete with innovative specialty foods that appeal to the stomachs and souls of finicky consumers. This battle has been raging for almost a decade and the financial health of big brands like Kraft Heinz, Dean Foods, TreeHouse Foods, and others has deteriorated rapidly as has their liquidity, ability to leverage capital, keep plants open and employees motivated. Kraft-Heinz stock was actually downgraded to “junk” last month and they are seeking a $4 billion credit line  (KH$4BillionLineCredit) to operate.

At a time like the one we find ourselves in, it’s going to be extremely challenging for these larger food manufacturers to place more stress on their businesses by quickly filling orders and pushing supply-chains to deliver – particularly over the next four to six critical weeks across the country. There may be several that face potential bankruptcies if they push too hard.

Beyond having exceptional forecasting tools, agile distribution capacity, and a reliable transportation infrastructure; the most critical element in timely order fulfillment is keeping reliable and skilled labor for efficient production and shipping. The connection for all supply-chain elements working in unison is people – from fork-lift operators to truck drivers to warehouse men to forecasters and sales personnel. What the COVID-19 pandemic threatens is a trail of infected people from every corner of this country and the preventions we need to avoid that will require time to implement – something supply-chains eat up. But maintaining a healthy supply chain labor force is now critical.

We do have more than the supply chain to consider. We know that grocery employees will be infected with the virus. In-store service personnel are the final point of contact in the supply-chain and the direct connection to consumers. Their regular attendance now becomes even more critical to get shelves stocked properly (FoodIndustryLaborShortages). Contingency plans focused on labor are just now being launched. For example, Walmart and Amazon have both announced they’re hiring thousands – this is ironic for Amazon after their massive layoffs in 2018 after acquiring and integrating Whole Foods into their business model. I would imagine that Amazon’s January 1, 2020 announcement of healthcare benefit cuts for more than 1,800 part-time employees is also most likely being reevaluated.

We’ve already been suffering a shortage of qualified truck drivers as well as cargo containers  (NotEnoughContainersGlobally). This reality is being neglected as forecasting models are tweaked and re-tweaked to accommodate the current nontraditional demand.

Ultimately, forecasting has been the backbone that keeps supply-chains intact and provides solutions to timely fulfillment. COVID-19 has tested even the most sophisticated forecasting technology, imagine how coocoo crazy proprietary algorithms are going right now trying to figure out demand projections and plan manufacturing schedules.

So, what does the food industry do when forecasting isn’t reliable? Consumers have changed. They want a different set of products to be available beyond the old-time staples.

Consumers are initially driven to cupboard-loading products they may not especially want just to have food in the house. Consumers will quickly tire of all the rice, pasta, beans and canned goods they’ve hoarded, and move to heavy replenishing of their particular favorites. We can anticipate a run on frozen foods, specialty products, and a raid on the meat cases – all while food manufacturers will probably continue moving standard dry goods to the right place at the wrong time, while freezing fresh perishables for down the road sales.

Adding up the variables and thinking through the classic “Bull Whip” or “Forester effect” forecasting theory that I learned in grad school, it does appear to me that everyone is too far upstream of the consumer, even the retailers. No one has connected to the unprecedented whiplash that is coming.

From my perspective, we’re looking at a reshaping of the food industry’s business standards and how supply chains operate. And we’ll need clear heads with a willingness for serious transparency, more methodical and collaborative understanding of consumer behavior to succeed in the future. We can’t rush into supplying what consumers don’t want.

Everyone needs to share their data. Negotiating purchase power through holding back proprietary data isn’t going to serve us as an industry. Sharing information across competitive lines, leveraging technology across all touch points of the supply-chain and piloting innovative sharing hubs, will build a stronger food ecosystem for all.

We need to think about what happens if a sizable percentage of food manufacturers, suppliers, and restaurants close down for good. And we need to forego our ideas that there are “staples” that fit everyone’s pantry – “one size fits all” only works for ponchos. Will this become the new age of home cooking? Or a grand opportunity for nimble and alert entrepreneurs to step in and remake the landscape? Or both?

I know I’m not the only one trying to “read the tea leaves.” One thing I believe all of us in the food business can agree on though, is that the impending supply-chain disruption that we’ve been beating around the bush about is here now.

Phil Kafarakis